How we threw out 60% of the assortment and created the best wine & liquor store ever
How to build the future store in wine & liquor
With a simple yet amazingly effective move, the Dutch marketleader wine & liquor (Gall & Gall, 500 stores) was able to lose 60% of the assortment and create a double digit profit plus at the same time. An interview with Rik Eysink Smeets, creator of the plan.
In 2021, Gall & Gall, The Netherlands’ largest wine & liquor-store chain – will be finishing the roll-out a new store format to all of it’s 500 nationwide stores. Key figures? 60% less assortiment and a sales plus in the double digits. An interview with the creator of that store, retail expert Rik Eysink Smeets. – An interview with the creator of that store, retail expert Rik Eysink Smeets.

What was the situation?
Like almost all retailers, the assortment at Gall & Gall was the result of years of assortment-changes, try-outs, and ‘whatever works’. The result was an assortment that did make sense for the CAT MAN’s, but didn’t so much for the consumer.
What did you guys do?
We set an ambitious goal: We wanted to create a wine & liquor store where EVERYBODY was able to find the right bottle for him or her. Unassisted. Without knowing anything about wine, or liquor.
So how did you do it?
Well, we started by looking at the assortiment and saw that we could easily lose 60%. These were bottles that weren’t rotating (so not relevant enough) or were effectively costing us money due to their slim revenue.
So you threw that out?
No, in fact, we didn’t. We never ‘cut’ anything from the assortment. Instead we gave the CAT MAN’s the task of filling a NEW assortment, based on a simple diagram we gave them. This diagram represented the new way of buying wine & liquor: By Taste Profile, and by price.
What are Taste Profiles?
Taste Profiles are our newly invented way to make sense of a complicated subject like wine. See, whatever way you display wine – by country, by grape, by year – it never makes sense to the untrained customer. So instead, we gave all of our customers a Taste Profile, like – let’s say – Big Red, Easy Rider, or Fruit Lover. We could easily do this based on their buying history, or find our their Taste Profile with a 23 second test in store.
And then what?
Now the customer knows their Taste Profile, buying wine and liquor suddenly becomes super easy. All wines ranked under your Profile, you will love. Also, because your Taste Profile is a super detailed description of your taste (the average customer never actually ‘sees’ this) we can contantely ‘match’ every customer with the wines in our assortment. So when we add a certain wine to our assortment, we sned an email to everybody that we know will absolutely LOVE this wine.
How did the customer react to the much smaller assortment?
They never noticed it had become smaller. In fact, when they first say the new store they asked the staffmembers if we had added assortment.
Why is that you think?
First the assortment was so overwhelming, all they saw was a wall of bottles and walked straight to the promo-table. Now they had ways to UNDERSTAND the assortment, they finally saw individual products. And thus thought we actually added assortment.
Okay, but how do you actually create a profit plus in a store with less product?
Good question. See, when we took out 60% of the assortment, in first instance all you do is take our the sales that part of the assortment stands for – let’s say 15%. So in order to create a sales-PLUS (which we did) you have to create a whole lot more sales.
So how did you do that?
Well, the key was Taste Profiles. In the old stores, most customers just bought a) their the bottle they always bought or b) another bottle in promotion. Why? Because they had no idea to find something else that would match their taste – just too complicated. But now we finally gave them a super simple way to actually navigate the assortment by themselves we could start upselling (and crossselling). So we could have this kind of conversation: “Ah, we see you always buy this bottle of €5 in your taste profile. Well, then you will absolutely LOVE this bottle of €8 in your taste profile.” And you know what? They did. Upselling became easy, and we could send super relevant DM’s and make personal offers (this also goes automatically) at the register.
And cross-sell?
For that we used the freed up space in store. Most people come for their standard bottle. So we made tables with RELEVANT OFFERING. For instance we offered wine-food pairings with the 5-most popular dishes of that season. Or we had the 5 most favourite wines of Oprah, or the Dutch queen. Relevant and inspiring offerings, that tempted our customers to go home with more than they came for. And it worked.
And digital integration?
Oh yes. See, Taste Profiles is a cross-platform system. It works in store, but even better when you’re at home, browsing the site, or getting an email from us. It’s a smart and digital way to make sense of a difficult world (wine & liquor). Also: It is self-learning. So with every buy, online of offline, we understand your taste, just a little bit better. The ultimate loyalty-maker.
This project cost around 5 weeks to complete on paper. Then the CAT MAN’s needed 3 more weeks to fill the new assortment. 4 pilot stores were built to prove the concept, then it was rolled out to ten stores, and within a year, all 500 stores had adopted the 60%-smaller assortment, Taste Profiles and many other concepts created by Rik Eysink Smeets.
Some of our
international clients:
international clients:
Some of our international clients:
- AH ToGo
- Ahold/Delhaize Albert Heijn
- Alteri
- Becel
- Coop
- Danone
- Denner
- Dia
- Dille & Kamille
- Etos
- Flo Singapore
- Gall & Gall
- GrandVision
- Hjartat
- ING Diba
- Karstadt
- MasVision
- Ola
- Rabobank
- RCS Credit
- Sears Canada
- Spar
- Unilever
- Vikusvill
- Volkswagen
- Vomar
- Zabka Polska
Albert Heijn
Dille & Kamille
Flo Singapore
Gall & Gall
ING Diba
RCS Credit
Sears Canada
Zabka Polska
‘I have never seen
so much quality in
such a short time’
so much quality in
such a short time’
‘I’ve never seen so much quality in such a short time’
Annemieke de Rijke
Commercial Director | Gall & Gall
Commercial Director | Gall & Gall
Our specialities:
Our specialities:
You feel your strategy can be sharper, bolder, sexier. You feel that one simple brand story could unify your company and give both your own people as well as the consumer clarity what your company is about. The result: All noses in the same direction and a big leap forward.
Well, that’s what we are specialized in.
We give you that 5-year-ahead-dot on the horizon. Inspiring, visually detailed, yet incredibly simple.
Plus: We make it visually super detailed. We give you everything you need to start running. Logo, store concept, marketing, fonts – you name it. Done and carried by your company, in 5 weeks.
If this is what you need, give us a call.
This one may be done separately, but is also a part of any new or sharpened strategy (see above).
When a company makes a big move forward, it’s usually combined with making that new direction VISUAL as well. You want the entire brand to ‘breath’ your purpose, your mission.
Well, we’re really, really good at making that. In fact, this might be where we set ourselves apart from other consultancies the most.
For us, the visual translation of a strategy into your brand isn’t something that comes after the strategy is done. Nope. It’s integrated from the beginning. That’s because we weren’t schooled as Business Administrators or Econometrists. We were schooled as designers (Parsons School of Design, NYU, New York).
We can create (only if relevant) your entire brand book: logo, brand, brand story, mission, identity, tone of voice, etcetera – and we accompany it with visual examples. So everyone working on the brand knows the DO’s and DON’Ts of your new or sharpened brand.
And yes, we deliver it in such high detail that you don’t need an advertising agency or design agency after we’re finished. It’s just, well – done.
We have made turnaround strategies in cases that differ from “Can you help us improve our numbers” to cases like “We’re in deep shit! We only have three months left, help!”
We have done these turnaround strategies all over the world and we can say we’re really the right guys to hire for those types of jobs.
See, when you ask most consultancies or agencies to give you a ‘strategy’ they start working on the brand, the logo and launch a new tv-campaign.
But when your KPI’s are seriously going the wrong way, only working on the ‘brand’ won’t help you. See, you company is doing bad for a REASON. It might be your prices are off. It might be your assortment is crap. It might be your stores are a mess. In any case – the reason is in the CORE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
So that’s where we start. With solving the actual problem you have. Sounds complicated, but even a store, even an assortment, even your prices, can be fixed within a matter of weeks.
This is how we did it for example with the Dutch household chain Blokker. They were in deep, deep shit when we sat down with their CEO. They had just adopted a ‘new’ strategy, that turned our to be disastrous for them and their KPI’s were dropping fast.
In the weeks following we ended their terrible strategy, we brought them back to the place they belonged, we changed their assortment, changed their prices and we started simple but really effective marketing to actually SELL some stuff. And you know what? Their figures came around. They started to improve, and within 3 months they were up by index 140. And today we can safely say that Blokker wouldn’t be here, without our intervention.
In short: If you are in trouble, hire a company that is outspoken, and dares to tackle your real problems. And yes, we can make your logo and brand story too 😉
Many retailers and brand-manufacturers struggle with their assortment. What is an offer that makes sense to the consumer? How much innovation should we allow? What is enough rotation? And could we maybe have cluttered our system with loads of non-performing SKU’s, making life for both us and the consumer more difficult than neccassary?
We have developed our own software to X-ray an entire assortment in 2 days and get out invaluable insights that form the basis for mayor improvements.
Let us give you an example: When we X-rayed the assortment of Gall & Gall, the largest wine & liquor store chain of The Netherlands, we found that they could lose no less than 60% of their assortment without hurting them one bit. 60%!
Now, most consultancies would stop here.
We don’t.
First, we gave Gall & Gall a super easy grid system to fill their new, smaller assortment in a matter of 4 weeks. Next, we invented a new way to selling wine called TasteProfiles, with which you can find the wine you love within 23 seconds. Then we redesigned the wine meters in their restore without using a lot of CAPEX, and build the introduction campaign.
And you know what: Their sales went up. Within a couple of weeks. Without making big costs. (And remember: All of that with 60% less assortment).
Are you curious what your assortment tells us? And what chances it can bring?
We can have your assortment X-ray done in 2 days. Give us a call.
So here’s a common problem:
You private label role is undefined, all over the place on price & quality and product and packaging are undesirable.
What can we do?
Well, we fix that.
Why should you want to do that?
Because PL is the anchor of your assortment. If the product that carry your logo are vague, unclear and untrusted – so is the logo on your store.
And have we done private label projects for others?
You bet. In fact, many of the products in your cupboard or bathroom closet have started on our drawing board, there’s simply too many to name.
If you have the feeling your private label has an unclear role in your assortment – give us a call. We make your PL the star of the show again within weeks.
There are many, many companies that claim they can help you redesign your store. And it’s true: They can change the color of the walls, bring in fancy fixtures and create a lot of blablabla about the purpose of your store.
But here is the problem: Litereally zero KPI’s are impacted when you change the color on the walls to a nice shade of green, or make your fixtures out of fancy wood.
Why? Because no-one cares. Customers care about products. And price. And service. And yes, it’s nice to have all that in a nice store. But put shit-product in a beautiful store, and it still won’t sell.
A store is the place where all the gears of your business-machine must come together seemlessly. A good store makes the products shine and tells their story. A good store explains what my price experience should be. A good store helps my decision making and helps me find the product I’m looking for.
We have built stores with this principle all over the world.
We build the new format that made Vomar the fastest growing supermarketing chain for the 4th year in a row now.
We build a completely automized to-go store for Zabka (Poland), which they are now building 5000 of.
Many Albert Heijns and AH ToGo stores are based on our concepts.
And there’s dozens more.
Long story short: You just want a diferent shade on the wall? Call someone else.
You want to impact your KPI’s? Call us.
We can safely say that marketing is the least efficient part of any (retail) company.
It’s where left brained people try to make sense of a right brained subject – which oftentimes results in extremely vague brand books full of compromises that – when executed – don’t lead to very convincing nor impactful stories for the consumer.
Well, we have a solution. Let us help you make your brand book and marketing strategy.
Why is that better?
1: Because we do this daily (your people with all respect, don’t)
2: Because we’re outsiders and can actually objectively look at your company and tell you what is important, and what’s not.
3: We can give you everything you need to get your marketing underway in a way that BOTH loads the brand story and sells product. In a way that isn’t vague, but very clear. In a way that excites, touches or makes you smile.
The deliverable is a book that YOU can give to your advertising company, which basically says “This is what we want.” Full of images, examples and guidelines to help anyone working on the brand.
So stop trying to come up with a strong brand/marketing story yourselves. It’s very hard, and maybe even impossible. Let us do it, so you can get going with a really strong marketing campaing, 5 weeks from now.
When you are expanding, merging or acquiring – you need a vision document that basically answers all the questions that come up during such a time.
A document for all stakeholders with ‘THE PLAN.’
A document that excites, that inspires, that can make everything clear that is now vague, that makes your new future tangible.
A document that makes your stakeholders say “AHA! I understand where you are going with this. And I love it!”
That is what we do and did for clients like Dia (Spain, 6000 stores) ING (Europe, 4,7B profit) and Ahold (Europe/US, God knows how many stores).
When this kind of document is what you need, give us a call.
You have a plan to start something new. You have the business plan, you have the connections, and you know what to do to make it run operationally.
Now you need the brand, the visuals, the launch strategy, and the marketing plan.
Well, that’s what we do. And we can have this done within 5 weeks, ready for implementation.
What we deliver is your handbook. It’s the handbook you and everyone working on your brand need for implementation. But it’s also the book that will convince any stakeholder you need to be convinced.
By the way, we also make the visuals for your website, your store and whatever else you need. It’s a total package. It’s done
So what’s this?
Well, we take a week and put your company through our X-ray.
We look at your stores (if you have stores), your brand your data, your KPI’s and we talk to your people.
Then we come back and tell you where you can find mayor improvements, and HOW you can obtain them.
Sounds simple, is simple. We meet on Monday, and tell you the good and bad news on Friday.
Think we can’t do a whole lot in a week? Well, we’ve seen so many companies that we can read your company easily within a week. AND have time left to give you the first solutions, already visually executed.
We don’t create the next useless Powerpoint
Filled with things you already know..
We don’t create the next useless Powerpoint filled with things you already know..
Instead, we show you
your future.
Visual, tangible, clear for everyone.
Instead, we show you
your future.
And deliver the entire handbook for change.
And then deliver the entire handbook for change.
Everything in it: Strategy, colors, marketing, store, etc.
All relevant parts
decided and visual:
decided and visual:
All relevant parts decided and visual:
- Data insights
- Market insights
- Consumer Insights
- Market Trends
- Our Mission
- Our Brand Story
- Our Strengths
- Our Goal
- Our Tone of Voice
- Assortment Strategy
- Private Label Design
- Price & Promo Strategy
- Store Strategy
- Store Design
- Marketing Strategy
- Examples of Marketing
- Service Strategy
- Digital Strategy
- Loyalty Strategy
‘If you need a different direction, clear vision and positive energy, you hire Eysink Smeets.’
‘If you need a different direction, clear vision and positive energy, you hire Eysink Smeets.’
Wouter Kolk
CEO Europe Ahold/Delhaize
CEO Europe Ahold/Delhaize
Questions you
might still have:
might still have:
Questions you might still have:
We work for retail chains and consumer brands:
- We work for large chains like Albert Heijn (1000 stores), Dia (6000 stores) or Zabka (7000 stores).
- We work for national, medium sized chains like Etos, Big Bazar or Karstadt.
- We work for consumer-goods brands like Danone, Barilla, Ola, Becel and others.
- We work for service providers like Flo Energy (Singapore).
- We work for players in finance, like ING or Rabobank.
- And we work for serious and funded startups (we make their total entry plan for brand, marketing, product, etc)
As for the sectors, we work in all kinds of sectors, as long as it involves selling product or services to a mass-audience.
Yes, we work all over the world.
Our project took us to: Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Netherlands, Senegal, United Kingdom, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Switserland, Portugal, Spain, Estonia, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Greece, Romania, Servia, France, Turkey and Brazil.
We are an international consultancy, and quickly understanding your market – wherever it is – is a part of what we do.
Whenever a company is planning a change project. This can be a partial change, like let’s say an assortment rationalisation, brand-hierarchy-restructuring or a new store format. But it can also be a change project on the whole, and a new course or strategy is desired.
Our huge benefit in these situations is that we can bring speed of decision and speed of change. We do this by approaching your question objectively and with years of international experience. Next we make your new direction visual and tangible, whatever it is. This forces us to make the big and bold decisions that are needed for every succesful change. This way we turned KPI’s in the right direction within a matter of weeks, with numerous companies around the world.
Plus: We made the change project actually fun and exciting. See: Change can be scary, and there’s always a risk it get’s stuck in endless internal blablabla. We give you structure, and put a visual and exciting dot on the horizon for everyone to understand. So you can say: “Guys, THIS is where we’re going.”
Most other consultancies approach your challenge in a left-brained manner, just like your own people would. They analyse the market, look at consumer-behaviour, predict your figures and chances for the coming years – and make a very complicated looking Powerpoint out of this.
However, this Powerpoint still doesn’t give direction. And usually still does not answer the big questions, nor gives a shared direction for your people.
And it is definitely not exciting.
We approach your problem in a left AND right-brained manner. We analyse your market, your data, your consumers. And yes, we see the trends in the market. But that’s only the beginning. Next we visualize your new future, based upon these insights. And only when you start making things visual and concrete, and start pulling your ideas into the real world – you get the clear and practical solutions you’re looking for. Only then you can create a visual and shared goal for your people, that you can show to anybody after which they’ll say. “Aha! I see where were going! And I love it!”
This is why this small consultancy is preferred over McKinsey or BCG by the CEO’s of some of the largest retailers and brands in the world.
A project usually is 5 weeks start to finish. After you give us a green light, we start with interviews with your people. Next, we go into the market, go see where your product is sold, and understand your market. Next, we take your data and put it through our X-ray. This phase is usually done after 1-2 weeks.
Now we have all the input we need, the ‘magic-phase’ begins. This is where we leave other consultancies behind.
From our input, a solution starts to emerge. A clear direction you need to take in order to start seriously improving your KPI’s. A direction that is exciting and tantilizing. We start making it visual. We visualize your product, store, and marketing to create this dot on the horizon. Your shared goal for the coming period.
Then we come back and present this in a workshop with you. We finetune it together. Then we work on it again, and create a final ‘working hypothesis,’ that is presentable to your team, your people and your stakeholders. Now, with this clear plan, your change project can be put into 5th gear, and you can assign clear tasks to your team to make this plan a reality within another week or 5. Usually we stick around for this period to help your people stay on the right track, but usually it is pretty clear what needs to be done.
This way we realized indexes of 150 within two months(!), start to finish.
You work with Rik primarily. Also you will see Roosje, who’s our expert in data insights. Behind the scenes there’s more people supporting us, but you won’t be bothered with them. For us, one of the big annoyances is when you’re handed over to a team of juniors, or see different faces all the time. So that won’t ever happen. You work with the boss of the company, and that’s it.
You have your plan within 5 weeks. This plan is visual and presentable to your stakeholders and your team. After these 5 weeks you know what you need to do, you can start implementing and assign clear tasks to your team.
Yes we can do that. This phase of implementation is not nearly as hour-intensive as the first 5 weeks, so we can make a plan to keep your people on the right track during implementation. But our (common) goal is to make ourselves obsolete as quickly as possible. It needs to be YOUR plan. That’s why we make it really clear, visual and detailed. So your people can start running with it as soon as possible.
No problem. Just give Rik a call on INT 31 6 24 19 68 98. He’s happy to talk to you.
Our core team
Our core team
Dedicated and specialized, with both strategy and visual execuition under one roof.
Dedicated and specialized, with both strategy and visual execuition under one roof.

Rik Eysink Smeets
Owner & Consultant


Hans Eysink Smeets
Consultant (external)
Let’s talk.
Let’s talk.
Get in touch directly with Rik. We can meet you anywhere. We bring some of the project books we make, and you tell us your dream.
Get in touch directly with Rik. We can meet you anywhere. We bring some of the project books we make, and you tell us your dream.
Keizersgracht 592
1017EN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
1017EN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
‘We could’ve never achieved this speed of change, without Eysink Smeets’
‘We could’ve never achieved this speed of change, without Eysink Smeets’
Jim Zwanenburg
CFO of the fastest growing supermarket in the Netherlands
CFO of the fastest growing supermarket in the Netherlands